Office for Foreign Affairs
- Contact
- Information for travellers abroad
- Foreign policy priorities
- Bilateral relations
- Multilateral cooperation
- European policy
- Foreign Economic Policy
- International Affairs Humanitarian Cooperation and Development
- Human rights and international humanitarian law
- Security and crime prevention
- Diplomatic Representation of Liechtenstein abroad
- Diplomatic and consular representations in Liechtenstein
- Reports and publications
- Jobs
- Data protection notice
- Office for Vocational Training and Career Counseling
- Office for Civil Protection
- Office of Finance
- Office of Public Health
- Office of Building Construction and Spatial Planning
- Office of Information Technology
Office of Justice
- Contact
- AJU Newsletter
- eRepresentation
- Land register (GB)
- Land transfer supervision
- Commercial Register (HR)
- Judicial Affairs (JUS)
- Mediation
- Victim counselling center (OHS)
- Legal Unit (SSR)
- Foundation Supervision and Anti-Money Laundering (STIFA/GWP)
- Data protection information
Office for Communications
- Annual report
- Applications and forms
- Audiovisual media
- Current consultations
Completed consultations
- Update of the RIO template
- Market Analysis of Wholesale central access for the mass-market products
- Market analysis of the local loop market
- Market analysis access to the telephone network
- Market analysis fixed network origination
- Market share statistics
- RIO template
- Market analyses of mobile termination and fixed network termination
- Fixed network charges (M1) of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
- Universal fixed network telephone service
- Baseline and planning for the 2019+ market analysis
- Wholesale offer "Access to the public telephone network via VoIP" of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
- Number portability round table on 29 November 2017
- Cost calculation model of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
- Consultation on lifting the obligation to operate public pay telephones (Publifone)
- Public consultation of the wholesale offer "Bit-Stream-3" of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
- Public consultation on the wholesale offer VoIP Whitelabel FL of Telecom Liechtenstein AG
- Public consultation on the draft Decree concerning access to the HFC network of Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke
- Statements on reference offers (TAL, KOL) & rates
- Reference offer core network
- LKW cost calculation model
- Statements on the reference offer for physical network access (M4)
- Draft Decree on reference offer Collocation
- Draft Decree on LKW rates
- Draft Decree on reference offer ULL
- Reference offer for physical network access (M4) – ULL (copper)
- Reference offer for physical network access (M4) – Collocation
- Reference offer for physical network access (M4) – CATV
- Wholesale offer for CPS (M1)
- Reference offers origination and termination (M2/M3)
- CPS/CS obligation for Connecta
- Reference offer for broadband access (M5)
- Reference unbundling offer (RUO)
- Reference offer for access via VoIP
- Public consultation on allocation of mobile communications frequencies
- Contact
- Data collection
- Data protection notice
- 16/09/2024: Decision on the prohibition of activity of iMetrik Global (Europe) AG
- 28/05/2024: Centralised broadband access for the mass market
- 15/02/2024: Decree revoking the allocation of rights of use to means of identification (addresses)
- 24/10/2023: Access to the local loop
- 27/02/2023: Decree on provisional allocation of frequencies concerning the 3ECOM-1 and 3ECOM-3 filings of the Principality of Liechtenstein with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and approval of the frequency usage agreement between Rivada AG and Rivada Space Networks GmbH
- 27/02/2023: Decree revoking provisional frequency allocation to Trion Space AG
- 07/12/2022: Frequency allocations
- 28/10/2022: Access to the telephone network
- 20/05/2022: Approval of a frequency usage agreement
- 04/10/2021: Call origination in fixed networks
- 04/03/2021: Decree on the amendment of the provisional frequency allocation Decree
- 04/11/2020: Call termination in mobile networks
- 04/11/2020: Call termination in fixed networks
- 02/08/2018: Decision on the introduction of number portability
- 08/01/2018: Provisional frequency allocation
- Decisions of the Supreme Courts
- Archive
Electronic communication
- Addressing
- General terms and conditions and rate provisions
- Reachability
- Broadband / FTTH fibre optic expansion
- Market analysis and significant market power
- Market statistics
- Notification obligation, notification and notification register
- Mobile communications
- Numbering
- Arbitration body pursuant to Art. 4 para. 1 lit. a ADR Act
- arbitration-and-dispute-body_providers
- Incident reporting pursuant to Art. 15 Communications Act
- Glossary
- Internal competences
- Legal acts
- Media Commission Secretariat
- Postal and parcel delivery services
- Radio frequencies and installations
- Signature and trust services
- Space
Office of Cultural Affairs
- Contact
- Management
- Archaeology
- Historic preservation
- Cultural activities
- National Archives
- LiVE - Records Management Liechtenstein
- Central Services
- Laws
- Data protection notice
- Food Control and Veterinary Office
- Office of Human Resources and Organization
Office of Social Services
- Contact
- Children and teenagers
- Adults
- Family support
- Equal opportunities
- Financial aids
- Privacy
- Barrier-free web access
- Office of Statistics
National Road Office (NRO)
- Contact
- Things to know
- Data protection notice
Driving license
- My way to the driver's license
- e-driving license
- Chauffeur Licensing Ordinance (CZV)
- Computerized theory test (CUT)
- Digital tachograph
- Driving Instructor
- Driver's license in credit card format
- Categories
- Life-saving immediate measures (emergency helper card)
- Learning aids for the theory exam
- Medical control examination
- International driver's license
- Learner's permit
- Practical driving test
- Theory exam
- Transcription of foreign driving license
- Loss driver's license
- Forms
- Vehicles
- Control plates
- Driver with disability
- Special permit
- Administrative measures (ADMAS)
- Online scheduling
- Online counter admission
Civil Engineering and Geoinformation Office
- Contact
- Current construction projects
- Official surveying (AV)
- Authorizations
- Geoinformation
- Infrastructure Construction
- Infrastructure Operation
- Land acquisition
- National survey
- PLR-cadastre
Download / Documents
- Guidelines and directives on traffic installations and signaling
- Guidelines and documents on road maintenance
- Planning and implementation documents
- Recommendations on remuneration
- Documents on land surveying
- Guidelines and documents official measurement
- Technical documents and directives PLR-cadastre
- Data protection notice
Office of Environment
- Contact
- Things to know
- Publications
- Law
- Data protection notice
Office of Economic Affairs
- Contact
- Official Announcements
- Data protection notice
- Labor market service
- Unemployment insurance (ALV)
Occupational safety
- Working in the vicinity of high-pressure lines
- Working and rest times
- Work equipment
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Jobs
- Workspaces and environmental factors
- Occupational safety with a system
- Pressure equipment
- Legal basis
- MAK values
- Planning approval for commercial and industrial buildings and remodeling of workplaces/operating permit
- Psychosocial risks
- Rights and obligations of employers and employees
- Special protection provisions
- Radiation protection
- Construction work
- Site coordination
- Energy / Energy Office
- Research & Innovation
Cross-border services from abroad
Posting of employees
- Provisions on working and employment conditions to be complied with
- Reporting requirements
- Documents to be submitted and other obligations to cooperate, controls and enforcement costs
- Liability and obligations of the Liechtenstein client as an entrepreneur
- Administrative criminal proceedings, fines, posting ban and publication
- Remedies and procedures for civil enforcement for disputes arising out of the employment relationship
- Contact points
- List of sanctions pursuant to Art. 7 Para. 4 EntsG
GDL provision (self-employed or with seconded employees)
- GDL provision within the scope of the Trade Act
- GDL provision in the field of employment agency and staffing services
- GDL provision of architects, construction managers and engineers in the construction industry
- GDL provision within the scope of the Mortgage and Real Estate Lending Act
- GDL provision in the peddling and itinerant trades
- GDL provision in industries outside the jurisdiction of the Office of National Economy
Posting of employees
- Dangerous Goods Officer
- Gambling
- Intellectual property law (trademark registration, copyright)
- Consumer Protection
- Public Labour Law
- Default Interest in Payment Transactions
- Location Promotion
- Movement of Goods, Customs and Origin
- Competition Law
Economic Affairs / Trade Law
Architects, construction managers and engineering professions in the construction industry (BWBG)
- New granting of a license for a profession according to the Construction Professions Act
- Managing director new appointment
- Additional profession for an existing permit
- Reprinting of a permit under the Construction Professions Act
- Cancellation of a permit under the Construction Professions Act
- Commission for architects and other qualified professions in the building industry
- Construction Occupation Registry
- Interpreter Permits
- Innkeeper exam
- Trade practice with branch office
- Freight and passenger transport
- Peddling Permits
- Credit intermediary - Mortgage and Real Estate Credit Act
- International trade legitimation card
- Package tour
- Private employment agencies/staffing agencies (AVG)
- Sunday and holiday rest/shop closing time
Architects, construction managers and engineering professions in the construction industry (BWBG)
Central corporate service
- Founding a company in Liechtenstein
GDL provision (self-employed or with seconded employees)
- GDL provision within the scope of the Trade Act
- GDL provision in the field of employment agency and staffing services
- GDL provision of architects, construction managers and engineers in the construction industry
- GDL provision within the scope of the Mortgage and Real Estate Lending Act
- GDL provision in the peddling and itinerant trades
- GDL provision in industries outside the jurisdiction of the Office of National Economy
- Lead
- Handover & Dissolve
- Associations
Migration and Passport Office
- Contact
- Information Ukraine
- Provision of services (GDL)
- Residence in Liechtenstein without gainful employment
- Residence in Liechtenstein for gainful employment
- Gainful employment without taking up residence
- Family reunification
- Permanent residence and establishment
- Extension of the stay
- Retention of the authorization
- Residence permits
- Residing in Liechtenstein
- Services
- Passport
- Identity card
- Swiss identity card
- Theft / loss of a travel document
- Asylum
- Integration
- Visa
- Things to know
- Laws
- Data protection notice
- Schengen/Dublin
- Projects
- Digital identity - eID.li
- Counseling and complaints office
- Data Protection Authority
Diplomatic representations
- Berlin (D)
- Berne (CH)
- Brussels (B)
- Geneva (CH)
New York (USA)
- Contact
- Job openings / Internships
Priorities at the United Nations
- Reform and Strengthening of the UN
- Peace and Security
- Counterterrorism and Crime
- International Law, Rule of Law
- International Criminal Court (ICC)
- Human Rights and Social Affairs
- Advancement of Women
- Rights of the Child
- Development, Environment
- Humanitarian Action, Protection of Civilians
- Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery
- Strassburg (F)
- Washington (USA)
- Vienna (A)
- Competence Center Data Protection
Specialized Unit for Public Procurement
- Contact
Basic provisions
- Suitability criteria
- Process types and methods
- Deadlines
- Award phases, remedies and damages
- Order value calculation
- Scope, national and international thresholds
- Key points and Member States
- Special provisions for contracting entities in the sectors
- Client
- Announcements
- Award criteria
- Field of activity
- Information for applicants, tenderers and contractors
- Provisions country
- Provisions municipalities
- Provisions bodies governed by public law
- Provisions Private law entities
- Provisions sectors company
- Definition of terms
- Public procurement statistics
- Content of the tender documents
- Questions and answers
- Law
- Links
- Data protection notice
- National Audit Office
- Information and Communications Unit of the Government
- National police
- Victim counseling center
- Protocol of the Government
- Government Legal Services
Office of Education
- Contact
Organization Office of Education
- School board management
- Legal Division
- Management Office
- Finance and accounting
- Education infrastructure
- Scholarship office
- Indoor swimming pool SZU Eschen
- Malbun Youth Center
- Pedagogy and school quality
- Education controlling and quality assurance
- Universities and colleges
- European Education Area
- Educational support
- School social work
- School psychological service
- Living space school / Center for school media
Educational areas
Education / School types
- Structure of the education system
- Kindergarten
- Elementary school
- Secondary school
- Realschule
- Grammar school
- Vocational baccalaureate school
- Voluntary 10th school year
- Liechtenstein Sports School
- Timeout school FL
- Day schools
- Special education day school Schaan
- Music school
- Art school
- Vocational schools
- Higher education
- Intensive course German as a second language (IK DaZ)
- Private schools / Foreign schools
- Curricula
- Schools
- School management
Pupils and students
- From kindergarten to school
- Admission and transfer / school careers
- Educational opportunities after compulsory schooling
- School transportation (bus)
- Dispensing
- Procedure for change of residence
- Career choice preparation
- School sports Liechtenstein
- Attendance at a private school or foreign school
- Signal box 2.0 and checks
- Assessment
- Parental involvement
- Municipal school board
- Statistics
- Council of Europe Charter
School support measures
- Support for gifted children
- Special education
- Supplementary lessons
- German as a second language
- Intensive course German as a second language
- Special promotion
- Speech therapy
- Psychomotricity
- Early curative education
- Measures for sensory impairments
- School social work
- School timeout
- School family counseling
- School psychological service
Topics and projects
- School performance surveys
- STEM promotion
- Health promotion
- Language and reading promotion
- angek(l)ickt - media prevention performance
- Liechtenstein Languages
- Religious education
- School ICT
- Education for sustainable development (ESD)
- Forest Days 2023
- Council of Europe: Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers
- Folding school communication
- External use of school facilities
- EU programs
- Inquiries: Scientific qualification theses
Education / School types
- School vacations / vacation calendar
- Scholarship office
- Laws
- Data protection
- Press and public relations
- Parental involvement
- Vacancies
- Downloads
- Office of the Public Prosecutor
- National Cyber Security Unit
- EEA Coordination Unit
- Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
- Office for Financial Market Innovation and Digitalisation
- Sport Unit
- Government Real Estate Unit
Government Chancellery Unit
- Contact
- Certifications
- Reports and motions
- Permits
- External comments on consultations
- Interreg V A - Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein
- Rechenschaftsbericht
- Legislation
- Referendum proposals
- Registry
- State calendar
- Switchboard
- Ongoing consultations
- Expired consultations 2023
- Expired consultations 2022
- Expired consultations 2021
- Expired consultations 2020
- Expired consultations 2019
- Expired consultations 2018
- Expired consultations 2017
- Expired consultations 2016
- Expired consultations 2015
- Expired consultations 2014
- Expired consultations 2013
- Expired consultations 2012
- Expired consultations 2011
- Expired consultations 2010
- Expired consultations 2009
- Expired consultations 2008
- Expired consultations 2007
- Expired consultations 2006
- Expired consultations 2005
- Expired consultations 2004
- Elections and votes
- Coat of arms and colors of Liechtenstein
- Data protection notice
- Fiscal Authority
- Civil Registry Office
Data protection notice
In accordance with Art. 13 and Art. 14 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we, the specialised Unit for Public Procurement (FAW) as the responsible body, hereby inform you about the manner and background of the processing of your personal data in connection with our activities. The following information applies equally to applicants, offerors, contractors and clients, as well as other persons affected by the data processing.
The processing of personal data has the primary purpose of fulfilling the legal mandate incumbent upon us. This includes general advice and supervision concerning the award of public works, supply and service contracts as well as competitions and works and service concessions
Principally, we perform the following processing activities:
- Central point of contact and advice for applicants, tenderers, contractors and clients;
- Development of strategies, concepts, measures and instruments for optimal implementation and further development of the subject area of public procurement;
- Creation and analysis of public procurement statistics;
- Supervision and control over the entire procurement system and ensuring legally compliant enforcement of public procurement;
- Reporting to the government in case of detected violations. Drafting government resolutions, opinions and handling complaints;
- Creation of the login for contracting authorities for the eProcurement portal (evergabe.llv.li).
The legal bases for the processing activities are set out in Articles 12, 13, 50, 52 and 67 of the Act on Public Procurement (ÖAWG), Articles 14a, 17, 34a, 50, 50a and 51 of the Regulation on Public Procurement (ÖAWV), Articles 26, 27, 65, 67 and 82 of the Act on Public Procurement in the Sectors (ÖAWSG), in Articles 16, 21, 37, 45, 45a and 46 of the Ordinance on Public Procurement in the Sectors (ÖAWSV) and in the Act on Electronic Commerce with Public Authorities (E-GovG) and shall apply in conjunction with Art. 4 Data Protection Act (DSG) and Art. 6 para. 1 let. e) General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO). If the personal data are not processed on the basis of the public mandate, their consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) DSGVO may be considered as the legal basis in individual cases. An example of such consent is the subscription to the newsletter.
The following personal data are collected, recorded and processed in the course of our activities in the context of the award procedures:
- Name, first name contact person;
- Address details and other contact details, such as telephone number and e-mail address;
- Name of the company or consortium;
- In some circumstances:
- Data on the place of business in the EEA/WTO area;
- Data on insurance;
- Data on harmlessness (AHV, ALV, IV, SUVA, BVG, state and municipal taxes, total or normal employment contracts, equal pay, insolvency proceedings and criminal association);
- Data on personnel;
- Data on references including contact details of contact persons;
- Other data on the suitability test;
- Data on the award criteria;
- Insight into the procurement portal (vergabeportal.li) or eVergabeportal (evergabe.llv.li) and all data entered by the contractor, provided that these are made available to the Public Procurement Unit by the contracting authorities.
The Public Procurement Unit prepares, among other things, templates for the tender documents, which are intended to serve as an aid to the contracting authorities. The specialized body is not the recipient of the applications and offers of the companies.
If the data is not collected from you personally, the information on personal data comes from the following source: public contracting authorities, such as the Principality of Liechtenstein, the municipalities, institutions under public and private law, as well as the contracting authorities in the sectors. The contracting authorities are listed on the homepage of the Fachstelle öffentliches Auftragswesen (faw.llv.li). Office for Statistics for the list of SMEs for the purpose of preparing the monitoring report for the EFTA Surveillance Authority.
The storage period of the data processing is governed by special legal requirements regarding the retention periods or the archives law. Once the purpose of the data processing has been achieved and there are no legal retention periods opposing the destruction of your data, the personal data will generally be added to the respective deletion concept. The deletion concept looks, among other things, as follows:
The final deletion takes place after the expiry of the specified legal retention period, i.e. after three years.
Further information on data protection and, in particular, on your rights as a data subject can be found in the Data Protection Statement on the website of the Liechtenstein National Administration.