Permanent residence and establishment
Legal basis:
Art. 24 and Art. 25 of the Act on the Personenfreizügigkeitsgesetzes (PFZG, LGBl. 2009 No. 348) apply to EEA nationals and their family members
Art. 27 of the Act on the Personenfreizügigkeitsgesetzes (PFZG, LGBl. 2009 No. 348) applies to Swiss nationals and their family members
Art. 27 of the Ausländergesetzes (AuG, LGBl. 2008 No. 311) applies to non-EEA and non-Christian nationals and their family members
Scope of application:
EEA nationals and their family members who wish to apply for a permanent residence permit after a stay of five years.
CH nationals and non-CH nationals and their family members who wish to apply for a permanent residence permit after a stay of five years
The application must be submitted completely and correctly to the Migration and Passport Office no later than 14 days before the residence permit expires.
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EWR-Ausschuss - Kundmachung des Beschlusses Nr. 191/1999 des Gemeinsamen EWR-AusschussesContact persons
general inquiries [email protected] +423 236 61 41