Permanent residence and establishment

Legal basis:

  • Art. 24 and Art. 25 of the Act on the Personenfreizügigkeitsgesetzes (PFZG, LGBl. 2009 No. 348) apply to EEA nationals and their family members

  • Art. 27 of the Act on the Personenfreizügigkeitsgesetzes (PFZG, LGBl. 2009 No. 348) applies to Swiss nationals and their family members

  • Art. 27 of the Ausländergesetzes (AuG, LGBl. 2008 No. 311) applies to non-EEA and non-Christian nationals and their family members

Scope of application:

  • EEA nationals and their family members who wish to apply for a permanent residence permit after a stay of five years.

  • CH nationals and non-CH nationals and their family members who wish to apply for a permanent residence permit after a stay of five years




The application must be submitted completely and correctly to the Migration and Passport Office no later than 14 days before the residence permit expires.

Contact persons