Working time permit
The employment of workers during the night and on Sundays is prohibited. If workers are employed during this time, a permit is required from the Office of National Economy. These working time permits are issued as Sunday or night work permits, as well as for uninterrupted operation.
Leaflet 010: Working Time Permits
For applications for permits to work nights or Sundays, please use the forms provided
Form: Application for a permit for night work (23.00 hrs. to 6.00 hrs.) / Sunday and holiday work
To ensure that the organization of work complies with the provisions of the Labor Code, a selection of shift schedules that comply with the law has been developed. You can adopt these according to the following explanations or develop your own shift schedules.
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Nacht- Sonn- und Feiertagsarbeit bzw. ununterbrochenem Betrieb, BewilligungLaws
Arbeitsgesetz - Gesetz über die Arbeit in Industrie, Gewerbe und Handel
Arbeitsgesetz (ArGV I), Verordnung I
Arbeitsgesetz (ArGV II), Verordnung II (Sonderbestimmungen für best. Gruppen von Betrieben oder Arbeitnehmern)