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Expired consultations 2009

Document Term Responsibility
The amendment to the law on old-age and survivors' insurance, disability insurance and family allowances (introduction of the minimum and maximum capital in the area of administrative costs of AHV-IV-FAK institutions) January 20, 2009 Social Affairs Department

Concerning the Amendment to the Criminal Code (Cybercrime)

Supplement 1

Supplement 2

January 30, 2009 Justice Department

enclosure 1

Supplement 2

13.03.2009 Economic Affairs Division
The amendment of the Passenger Transport Act and the creation of a law on the "Liechtenstein Transport Association" 30.04.2009 Department of Transport and Communications
The total revision of the Animal Protection Act and concerning the amendment of the Dog Act and the Code of Criminal Procedure 30.04.2009 Health Department

The Criminal Procedure Code Amendment


08.05.2009 Department of Justice

The amendment to the law on persons and companies (transposition of Directive 2007/36/EC of 11 July 2007 on the exercise of certain rights of shareholders in listed companies July 2007 on the exercise of certain rights of shareholders in listed companies and Directive 2007/63/EC of 13 November 2007 amending Council Directives 78/855/EEC and 82/891/EEC as regards the requirement of an independent expert's report on the occasion of merger or division of public limited liability companies)

Supplement 1

Supplement 2

13.05.2009 Department of Justice

The Creation of a Law on the Implementation of the Convention of 8. December 2008 between the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Government of the United States of America on Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Tax Matters (US Administrative Assistance Act, US-AHG)


13/05/2009 Department of Finance
The Civil Rights Act Amendment 29.05.2009 Department of the Interior
Ressort Justitz
The Amendment to the Accident Insurance Act (UVERSG) 31/05/2009 Department of Health
The partial revision of the law of November 25, 2004 on higher education (Higher Education Act, HSG) 13.06.2009 Department of Education

The total revision of the Law on National and Municipal Taxes (Tax Law) and the amendment of the corresponding special laws

Supplement 1

Insert 2

03.07.2009 Department of Finance

The Creation of a Law on the Handling of Organisms


03.07.2009 Department of Environment, Space, Land and Forestry
The creation of a law on the free movement of persons for EEA and Swiss nationals (Free Movement of Persons Act; PFZG) 12.07.2009 Internal Affairs Department

The Home Rule Law Amendment (HSCHG) Partial Revision


July 23, 2009 Department of the Interior
The Revision of the Law on Electronic Communications (KOMG-REVISION 2009) 31/08/2009 Economic Affairs Division
The Family Rental Contributions Bureau Amendment 31/08/2009 Department of Finance

The Amendment of the Law on Auditors and Auditing Companies (WPRG) and Other Laws (Implementation of Directive 2006/43/EC - Statutory Auditors Directive)


09/09/2009 Department of Justice

The creation of a law on games of chance and skill with stakes and the possibility of winning (money games, GSG) as well as the amendment of other laws (Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch; Fernabsatzgesetz; Strafgesetzbuch; Steuergesetz, Mehrwertsteuergesetz; Gewerbegesetz; Konsumentenschutzgesetz; Sogfaltspflichtgesetz)


September 28, 2009 Economic Affairs Division

The Creation of a Law on Geoinformation (Geoinformation Law, GEOIG)


September 30, 2009 Department of Construction
Amendment to the Criminal Code 06/11/2009 Department of Justice
The creation of a law on the compensation of part-time judges and members of the Appeals Commission Dec 18, 2009 Presiding Board