Market Surveillance
Information on RAPEX (Rapid Alert System for non-food consumer products)
High standards for consumer health and safety are among the most important goals of RAPEX member states. EU Directive 2001/95 on general product safety, which has also been implemented in Liechtenstein, is intended to ensure that only safe products that do not pose a risk to life and limb are on the EEA internal market. Any unsafe products are to be quickly withdrawn from the market and consumers are to be informed immediately.
European Product Safety Notifications
RAPEX is a European rapid alert system for the rapid exchange of information on potentially dangerous products that have been the subject of a voluntary or officially ordered measure, in particular around recalls.
If a member state takes action to avert such a danger, it immediately notifies the EU Commission, which checks this information and passes it on to the other member states. These in turn immediately inform the EU Commission of the measures taken. The Commission can also issue a Europe-wide order that must be implemented by the member states within 20 days. Thus, the Commission can order an EU-wide recall on the basis of a notification from one state.
There are currently 30 countries participating in this information system, all EU member states and the EEA EFTA countries of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
What is being done in Liechtenstein?
The Liechtenstein national contact point receives all RAPEX notifications as they are sent to all 30 participating countries. Subsequently, a risk analysis is carried out. That is, an assessment is made as to whether the product in question is distributed in Liechtenstein and how high the risk is for a loss event to occur in Liechtenstein. If there is a possibility or risk that the product could be distributed on the Liechtenstein market, the companies that market these goods are contacted accordingly and requested to provide information on the distribution of these products. Appropriate measures will be derived from this. Due to the open border with Switzerland, the relevant Swiss supervisory authorities will also be informed.
The legal basis of RAPEX is the general product safety directive 2001/95/EC.
The RAPEX notifications are updated weekly by the EU - Commission:
Guidelines for the notification of dangerous consumer products by producers and distributors
This guidance from the European Commission is intended for companies that inform the competent authorities about dangerous products - for example, about the implementation of a recall. Both the EU Product Safety Directive and the Liechtenstein Law on the Marketability of Goods (LR 947.1) require companies to notify the authorities on their own initiative in such cases. The guidelines for companies on informing the authorities also include a form to be used in notifications:
Distinction to other guidelines
This European Commission document serves as a guide to distinguish the Product Safety Directive from some other sectoral directives (toys, low-voltage equipment, personal protective equipment, cosmetics)
Guideline for companies in product safety cases
Recall and other corrective actions. Companies will find guidance in this guide on what can and should be done in the event of an emergency - that is, if a product proves to be dangerous - to ensure the safety of consumers
This non-binding guide to taking corrective action on product safety has been produced by the Intertek Research and Testing Centre for the Consumers' Association of Great Britain, in collaboration with representatives of the main organizations concerned with the subject (see Annex IV).
Guide for the Implementation of Corrective Measures for Product Safety
Guidance on the RAPEX Product Safety Emergency Procedure
On December 16, 2009, the European Commission adopted the Guidelines for the implementation of the Rapid Exchange of Information System (RAPEX) for Dangerous Goods. RAPEX is based on Article 12 of the General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC and ensures a rapid exchange of information on measures (e.g. recalls) taken against dangerous products in EEA contracting states.
More information
Zusammenfassung von der EU Kommission zum Thema „Produktsicherheit“
Rückrufe und Sicherheitsinformationen in der Schweiz
Rückrufe und Sicherheitsinformationen in Österreich
Rückrufe und Sicherheitsinformationen in Deutschland
Legal basis
Contact persons
Thomas Näf [email protected] +423 236 6903