Expired consultations 2013

Document Term Responsibility
The Forest Act Amendment


The Department of Environment, Space, Land and Forestry
The total revision of the Therapeutic Products Act 03/18/2013 Resort Health
The amendment of the Consumption Act (KKG)
(Implementation of Directive 2011/90/EU)
31/01/2013 Economic Affairs Division
The Amendment to the Law on Financial Market Supervision 31/01/2013 Department of Finance
The amendment of the Act on the Free Movement of Persons for EEA and Swiss Nationals (Act on the Free Movement of Persons; PFZG) as well as the amendment of further laws (Ausländergesetzes; AUG; Homeland Writing Act; HSCHG and Asylum Act; ASYLG) 03/22/2013 Department of the Interior
The reform of the child welfare law 03/22/2013 Department of Justice
The Building Act Amendment (BAUG) 29.03.2013 The Department of Construction
The Amendment to the Unemployment Insurance Division and Insolvency Compensation Act
(Unemployment Insurance Act; ALVG)
30.04.2013 Economic Affairs Division

The partial revision of the Employment Agency Act (implementation of Directive 2008/104/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on temporary agency work)


31/05/2013 Economic Affairs Division
The Adjustment of the Factor (K) for Determining the Minimum Financial Requirement According to the Fiscal Equalization Law for the Years 2014 and 2015 in the Context of the Reconstruction of the State Budget 14.06.2013 Department of Finance
The reform of the name law June 14, 2013 Justice Department
The Amendment to the Law on Financial Market Supervision 25.06.2013 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance
The Amendment of the Law on the National Police (Police Law, POLG) and the Criminal Code (STGB) (Asserprocedural Witness Protection) 26.06.2013 Department of the Interior
The amendment to the Animal Protection Act June 30, 2013 Ministry of Society
The Law on the Agreement between Liechtenstein and Austria on Cooperation in the Field of Taxation 19.06.2013 Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance
The amendment of the General Civil Code and the General German Commercial Code and other laws 30.08.2013 Ministry of Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division

The amendment of the Copyright and Related Rights Act (LGBl. 1999 No. 160) (transposition of Directive2011/77EU)

Supplement Directives

11/26/2013 Ministry of Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division
The Amendment to the Personal and Corporate Law (Segmented Association Person/Protected Cell Company) 12/20/2013 Ministry of Interior, Justice and Economic Affairs Division