Workplace health promotion (BGF/BGM)

Workplace health promotion - A challenge for companies?

Maintaining health, at work is a multi-faceted challenge.

Workplace health promotion (WHP) encompasses all joint measures taken by employers, employees and society to improve health and well-being at work. This can be achieved by linking the following approaches:

  • Improving work organization and working conditions
  • Promoting active participation of employees
  • Strengthening personal competences

Occupational health management creates a performance-promoting working atmosphere, better working conditions and more conscious behavior, reduces absenteeism due to illness and lays the foundation for sustainable corporate success. It is the control and integration of all operational processes with the aim of maintaining and promoting the health of employees.

Occupational health management aims not only at individual behavioral changes, but also at optimizing the  operational working conditions and structures.

It is important that companies successfully implement measures to optimize operational conditions and consider occupational health management as a component of corporate management.

Companies that want to introduce health management into the organization for the first time can find support, for example, on the website of Health Promotion Switzerland with various instruments for occupational health management and also at the Forum BGM Ostschweiz

The Office of Public Health is part of the sponsorship of the Forum BGM Ostschweiz. With A membership in the Forum BGM Ostschweiz provides access to knowledge and practice of workplace health promotion. 


Forum BGM Ostschweiz

The partner in workplace health management

All beginnings are difficult - but not if you have a good partner at your side. Liechtenstein companies can also become members of the association.

The members' area offers a wide range of information, an extensive glossary, a free initial consultation, book recommendations, checklists, tools and much more.

A membership in the association Forum BGM Ostschweiz is helpful and informative. Inquire directly!

Further training

Workshops on work and health

More information

New campaign for businesses

Staying mentally healthy in a challenging work environment is not a given. A new campaign is helping companies and organizations in eastern Switzerland to maintain and promote the mental health of their employees. The campaign is backed by the Ostschweizer Forum für Psychische Gesundheit und das Forum BGM Ostschweiz. The campaign is supported by the economic offices of the cantons of St.Gallen, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Appenzell Innerrhoden and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

Further information on the campaign:


Ostschweizer Forum für Psychische Gesundheit
Jürg Engler
T +41 58 229 87 69
[email protected]

Forum BGM Ostschweiz
Annette Nitsche
T +41 58 229 87 67
[email protected]

Ostschweizer Forum für psychische Gesundheit
c/o Office for health care
Unterstrasse 22
CH-9001 St. Gallen
T +41 (0)58 229 87 60

[email protected]

Forum BGM Ostschweiz
P.O. Box
CH-9001 St.Gallen
T +41 (0)58 229 87 84

[email protected]

New offer for businesses

The past few months have been marked by uncertainty and new challenges for many businesses. In such situations, flexibility and creativity are required. A constructive handling of changes also includes to prevent ill-making loads. The new offer from ZEPRA "BGFtalk" supports managers and employees in this process - with videos, suggestions, checklists and more. Moderator Marco Fritsche talks to experts: How can we communicate well during changes, resolve conflicts constructively, strengthen relationships in the team or manage emotions in the workplace?

BGM monitoring

Monitoring Report 2022 "Health Promotion in the Workplace - Where does Eastern Switzerland stand; how does Liechtenstein?"

From Eastern Swiss cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein, 813 companies and organizations  participated in the survey. The Forum BGM Ostschweiz is very satisfied with the results.

A small excerpt:

  • 43 percent of respondents would like to promote the mental health of their employees more
  • 84 percent of respondents say their supervisors see maintaining and promoting the health of their employees as a leadership responsibility
  • 87 percent of respondents say their supervisors respond when employees are overworked
  • 42 percent of respondents would like to promote health-promoting leadership behavior even more

As it turns out, there is potential in developing overall concepts. The study shows that 20 percent of the survey participants have implemented an overall concept for health promotion. For 15 percent, an overall concept is currently being developed. This means that more than half of all respondents do not yet have a systematic approach to promoting the health of their employees. 

For the first time, the Forum BGM Ostschweiz has investigated how companies in Liechtenstein are doing with health promotion in the workplace.

Summary Monitoring Liechtenstein

The detailed special report with the latest figures.

Report for Liechtenstein


In the context of workplace health promotion (WHP) and workplace health management (WHM), the Forum BGM Ostschweiz conducted a monitoring. Liechtenstein was also surveyed in a special report. The result can be read in the report starting on page 21. 

Contact persons