Data protection notice

In accordance with Art. 13 and Art. 14 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Office of Cultural Affairs, as the responsible body, informs you below about the manner and background of the processing of your personal data in connection with our activities in the various Divisions

The following information applies equally to contractual and agreement partners, users of the National Archives, municipalities, clients, architects, property owners, cultural institutions, companies, private individuals and other persons affected by data processing.

The primary purpose of processing personal data is to fulfill the legal mandate incumbent on the Office of Cultural Affairs. This includes general advice and processing relating to the activities listed below in the various divisions of the Office of Cultural Affairs.

We primarily carry out the following activities:

  • Construction supervision, archaeological perimeter
  • Emergency excavations, excavations
  • Anthropology
  •  Restoration, conservation
  • Managing the archaeological collection, cleaning and cataloguing finds
  • Archiving archaeological cultural assets and archaeological documentation
  • Scientific evaluation of excavation data and finds
  • Publishing the results of excavations, communicating research findings, public relations
  • Protective measures for archaeological assets
  • Providing scientific information for external inquiries, research cooperation

Based on the above activities, Archaeology processes the following personal data:

  • Name, address, telephone, email of landowners, municipalities, developers, various companies, heirs, tenants and owners of cultural property, for the daily activities mentioned above.
  • Name, address, plot no. for the notification of landowners in the event of emergency excavations, planned excavations, soil investigations and prospections. 

Conservation of Historic Monuments: We primarily carry out the following activities:

  • Maintaining the cultural property register of registered and protected cultural property of national importance
  • Advice on the treatment of old buildings, historic structures and sites as a free and independent service.
  • Investigation of old buildings and procurement of documents or historical documentation material for planning, research and mediation
  • Procurement of specialists and experts who have the necessary knowledge in dealing with old buildings
  • Free sharing of experience and knowledge from other construction projects.
  • Support for clients, architects and craftsmen throughout the entire restoration project.
  • Processing of applications for protection and applications for subsidies
  • Protection of Cultural Property, preventive protective measures for cultural assets in order to protect them from harmful effects in the event of an incident and to minimize any damage.

Based on the above-mentioned activities, the Conservation of Historic Monuments processes the following personal data:

  • Name, address, e-mail, telephone numbers, date of birth, Land Register Division no., plot no. of contract and agreement partners (agreement on the protection of a cultural asset; agreement on the inclusion of a cultural asset in the Register of Cultural Assets and for Land Register Division extracts)
  • Account details for the purpose of assuring contributions to subsidies and payment of monument protection subsidies by payment order.
  • Name, address, e-mail, telephone numbers, account details of clients, architects, specialists, experts and companies for cooperation and payment of invoices

Protection of Cultural Property: We primarily carry out the following activities:

  •  Emergency planning for cultural assets

  • Organization of the Protection of Cultural Property at all levels of the country and municipalities

  • Labeling cultural property with the "Blue Shield"

  • Creation of inventories of immovable and movable cultural property
  • Creation of preservation documentation for the restoration and reconstruction of damaged or destroyed cultural property
  • Expanding the capacity of shelters for the storage of cultural property as a medium and long-term goal
  • Creation of an institutionalized Protection of Cultural Property

Based on the above-mentioned activities, the Protection of Cultural Property processes the following personal data:

  • Name, address, e-mail, telephone number, date of birth, AHV number, marital status, place of residence of the cultural property protection officers of the municipalities and cultural institutions for registrations for courses, for the creation of emergency plans and for the creation of an alarm structure via the Webmembers program
  • Name, address, e-mail, telephone number and account details for speakers at information events on the Protection of Cultural Property 

We primarily carry out the following activities:

  • Projects (ongoing, annually recurring and one-off)
  • Coordination office for cultural issues
  • Involvement in national and international committees

Due to the above-mentioned activities, Cultural activities processes the following personal data:

  • Data of private individuals and institutions in connection with various projects in the cultural field. Name, address, country, gender, date of birth, profession, marital status, e-mail, telephone number, citizenship, resident in Liechtenstein since, self-employed or employed status
  • Account details: Scholarship payments "Künstlerateliers Berlin, Rome and Balzers", Jury fees for the "Most Beautiful Books" competition, Honoraria for Cultural activities for contributions to events such as music, readings, lectures, etc. (account details form is provided with data protection notice)
  • CV, letter of motivation, details of previous work and artistic recognitions etc. (application process "Künstlerateliers Berlin, Rome and Balzers", nominations "IBK-Förderpreise")

We primarily carry out the following activities:

  • Advice with regard to the delivery, evaluation and takeover of documents
  • Indexing (arranging and indexing) archive records
  • Implementation of preventive conservation measures, planning of restorations, planning of the digitization and microfilming programme
  • Advice in the user room, answering inquiries by telephone or in writing, lending files to users (external) and LLV staff
  • Managing and maintaining the publicly accessible reference library
  • Microfilming and digitizing archive material, making reproductions according to customer requirements, implementing conservation measures

Based on the above-mentioned activities, the National Archives processes the following personal data:

  • Name, address, telephone, profession, email, purpose of use and commissioning party (if not identical to the signatory) of the user National Archives (external)
  • Name, address, telephone, e-mail, purpose of use for the Declaration of consent for the use of reproductions/digitized material from the National Archives
  • Name, profession, address, telephone number, e-mail address, commissioning party and purpose of use for application for shortening the retention period
  • Name, address, e-mail for scan and copy orders and entries of data in the user journal for requests
  • Name, address, telephone, e-mail of private individuals and institutions for deliveries, appraisals and acceptances of documents (donation agreements)  

e-Archive is the publication platform of the National Archives. It is used to publish online historical primary sources, editions and records of selected archive material that is no longer subject to a retention period from the holdings of the Liechtenstein National Archives and other archives. It is supported by the Office of Cultural Affairs. The offer on is constantly being expanded. The privacy policy for the use of the National Archives' e-archive can be found at

We primarily carry out the following activities:

  • Development of basic principles and advice on information management
  • Implementation and support for rthe records management system (LiVE) in the National Offices
  • Various projects to improve the records management software in the National Administration (system updates, functional improvements and further development, quality controls)
  • Advisory services for offices outside the government for digital information management

Based on the above-mentioned activities, the LiVE specialist unit processes the following personal data:

  • Based on legal grounds, LiVE processes the data that the Liechtenstein National Administration needs to perform the respective tasks. Without the relevant data, citizens' requests cannot be fulfilled. In addition to data such as name, address, email, telephone numbers and dates of birth, very sensitive data from the Fiscal Authority, Office of Public Health, National Police, Office of Justice, Office of Human Resources and Organization, Office of Social Services, Migration and Passport Office, etc. is also processed. The specialist unit only processes data from other offices on the explicit instruction of the legally responsible office as part of  our supporting activities.
  • Name, address, date of birth, citizenship, PEID of existing contacts in LiVE as part of the quality controls of the records management system.

Legal basis Consent

If the personal data is not processed on the basis of the public mandate or on the basis of pre-contractual measures or for the performance of a contract, your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) may be considered as the legal basis in individual cases.

Consent can be withdrawn from us at any time without reason. Our contact details: Office of Cultural Affairs, P.O. Box 684, Peter-Kaiser-Platz 2, FL-9490 Vaduz, Email: [email protected]. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to that point.

Origin of your data and data transmission

If the data is not collected from you personally, the information on personal data comes from the following sources: Land Register Division, municipalities, Office of Cultural Affairs

We only transfer your data to other public bodies in cases required and permitted by law.

Storage duration

The storage period for data processing is based on the Ordinance of November 27, 2018 on the Management and Administration of Files in the Liechtenstein National Administration (LLV File Management Ordinance LLV-AVV, LGBl. 2018 No. 264) and the special legal requirements on retention periods in the Archives Act, LGBl. 1997.215.

Once the purpose of the data processing has been achieved and the deletion of your data does not conflict with any statutory retention periods, usually 10 years after the dossier has been closed in accordance with the Persons and Companies Act (PGR), LGBl. 1926.004, the personal data will generally be added to the respective deletion concept.

For further information on data protection and in particular on your rights as a data subject, please refer to the data protection declaration
