03. Juli 2024 - Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit ZSD

Liebe Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner, Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten sind die Onlinedienste der LLV am 03.07.2024 ab 19:00 Uhr bis ca. 20:00 Uhr nur eingeschränkt verfügbar. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis Freundliche Grüsse Amt für Informatik

Basics and data

With the mobility concept, the government formulates an overall transport policy and a mobility strategy with a time horizon until 2015. For the implementation, the mobility concept shows the necessary structures, procedures and instruments. In this context, the concrete planning and realization of individual measures take place. Furthermore, the development of the transport system can be assessed with regard to the strategic objectives by means of monitoring and controlling.

On the basis of the  "Status Report with Outlook 2020" the mobility concept is to be updated with a rather short-term horizon. This, on the one hand, in order to obtain more certainty with regard to the emerging developments and opportunities and, on the other hand, in order to subsequently serve as a basis for the development of a long-term mobility concept with a horizon 2020 to 2040.


The current main cycling route network for Liechtenstein was developed in 2014. Since then, it has been selectively updated. Various measures in favor of cycling have been implemented to date. However, several could not be completed due to necessary land acquisition. Since 2014, traffic behavior and the associated requirements for cycling infrastructure have changed. In particular, with the establishment of e-bikes, higher average travel speeds can be achieved, which usually requires larger curve radii or also a greater space requirement for crossing/intersecting. For e-bike riders, topography is also playing an increasingly less decisive role in route selection, especially since it is easier to overcome inclines with the help of the electric drive.

Based on Lead Project 7 and Measures 1.10 to 1.13 of the Mobility Concept 2030, the Office of Structural Engineering and Spatial Planning was commissioned by the government to close gaps (1.10) and expand the main bicycle route network (1.11), as well as to review and expand Liechtenstein's main bicycle route network with regard to bicycle expressways (1.12) and bicycle routes on slopes (1.13). In addition to the Office of Structural Engineering and Spatial Planning, the Office of Civil Engineering and Geoinformation as well as a community representative are involved in the revision in a working group. In addition, an external planning office was consulted. For the overriding strategic decisions, a steering committee was also constituted, consisting of the responsible cantonal councillor, the secretary general, a municipal representative and the heads of the Office for the Environment, the Office for Civil Engineering and Geoinformation and the Office for Building Construction and Spatial Planning.

The goal of the revision of Liechtenstein's main cycling route network is to ensure an attractive cycling infrastructure in domestic as well as cross-border traffic and thus to contribute to the positive development of the modal split as well as to alleviate traffic problems.

Current status of the revision process

On completion of all preparations, the actual project work could begin at the beginning of 2021. In a first step, a comprehensive basic analysis was carried out, in the course of which, among other things, wishes/requirements for the future cycling infrastructure were collected from the municipalities. In addition, the destinations and sources relevant to cycling for the entire functional area of Werdenberg-Liechtenstein were determined and connected by means of idealized desire lines. In addition, it was possible to define expansion and service standards for the future cycling infrastructure.

In a second step, the idealized desire lines were mapped onto the existing road network or new road (sections) to be created. This first draft of the main bike route network was coordinated with representatives of the cantons of St.Gallen and Graubünden as well as with the state of Vorarlberg and the city of Feldkirch in the course of a cross-border coordination meeting. This is the only way to ensure an attractive and continuous cross-border infrastructure. In the summer of 2022, the accompanying external planning office also carried out an analysis of weak points and an inventory of the existing main cycling route network in Liechtenstein based on the future expansion and service standards.

As a third step, a first forum (participation event) with community representatives and representatives of clubs/associations was held in December 2022. In the center thereby the information about the current work status as well as the presentation of the concept contents compiled up to then stood. The latter were discussed, reflected upon and completed in the course of a workshop or in the context of table discussions.

Next work steps

The findings from this event will be incorporated into the concept by the Office of Building and Spatial Planning and the accompanying external planning office. The concept contents will be revised as required. In addition, various measures to improve the situation for bicycle traffic ahead of time will also be addressed and implemented on an ongoing basis in coordination with the local municipalities. Particularly as the focus of the revision has so far been on everyday cycling, the next step will also be to address the issue of leisure cycling.
