18. December 2024 - eVertretung: Scheduled maintenance work

Dear residents, Due to scheduled maintenance work, eVertretung will not be available on Wednesday, 18 December from 13:00. The following eServices are affected: eVertretung, my.llv.li, eZusellung Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards Office of Information Technology

Data protection and security measures

The data stored on the passport can be read contactlessly over a short distance. Extensive data protection and security measures have been taken for the passport. For example, the stored data is stored in such a way that it can no longer be changed once the passport has been personalized (read only). Its authenticity can also be verified at any time using an electronic signature.

To ensure that the data cannot be read by unauthorized persons - remotely or in passing, for example - access to it is secured via a so-called "Basic Access Control" (BAC): Only when the corresponding reader has first optically read the machine-readable zone (MRZ) printed in the passport and calculated a correct key from this information does the chip release the data transfer. As the MRZ can only be read when the passport is open, unnoticed reading of the data when the passport is closed is reliably prevented. With "Supplemental Access Control" (SAC), the readout process is also protected against unauthorized reading.


Since the storage of fingerprints, there has been an additional, even more extensive protection mechanism. The fingerprints are protected against unauthorized reading by "Extended Access Control" (EAC). Liechtenstein determines which country can read the fingerprints

Certificate Policy

Certificate rules for the Country Verifying Certification Authority (CVCA) of the Liechtenstein National Administration.

Certificate Policy

Certificate Policy

Country Signing Certificate Authority (CSCA) Liechtenstein

On this page you will find the latest information on the CSCA certificates that enable the verification of electronic travel documents of Liechtenstein Origin Bureau

CSCA Liechtenstein

The unique name  of the CSCA is:

C=LI, O=Liechtenstein, OU= Foreigners and Passport Office, CN= CSCA-LIECHTENSTEIN

The issuing authority is the:

Migration and Passport Office

Städle 38

9490 Vaduz

Communication via email: [email protected]

Current CSCA certificate

Self-signed certificate. Issued and used since  15.01.2024

SHA-1 fingerprint:

8a 83 0e 0a 75 27 67 24 18 3c 21 d4 76 34 5f 1d 91 88 9a c3

CSCA Certificate 2024 (right click)

CSCA Certificate 2021

Self-signed certificate. Issued and used since  16.01.2021

SHA-1 fingerprint:

1c 8a 2e a2 2c ca 99 11 a2 73 bf 11 e6 05 e9 2f 1d d5 c9 27

CSCA Certificate 2021 (right click)

CSCA Certificate 2017

Self-signed certificate. Issued and used since  20.12.2017

SHA-1 fingerprint:

61 ff c0 14 b5 08 2e 0e 31 55 af 38 9a 70 88 51 55 d0 fc ce

CSCA Certificate 2017 (right click)

CSCA Certificate 2016

Self-signed certificate. Issued and used since  19.05.2016

SHA-1 fingerprint:

bb d3 5d 4e b9 18 5e 66 57 bc 15 c4 7e 9f be f0 36 c5 0a 73

CSCA Certificate 2016 (right click)

Certificate Revocation List (CRL):

CRL_FL_2017_01 (right click)

Contact persons