State law gazettes

The State Law Gazette (Landesgesetzblatt) is the authoritative promulgation organ for legislation in accordance with Art. 3 of the Promulgation Act (Kundmachungsgesetz) and has been promulgated in electronic form at by the Government Legal Services since January 1 2013. On the day of promulgation, information is also provided at ("Official Gazette") concerning the relevant state law gazette, citing the title of the legal provision and the number of the state law gazette.


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Access to state law gazettes

All state law gazettes can be accessed at and printed out if required.

Since January 1 2013, only the signed electronic State Law Gazette is authoritative and authentic (PDF/A-format). For legislation promulgated before that date, the published paper version is binding.

Printouts or paper versions can be obtained from the Government Chancellery (Regierungskanzlei) for a fee.