Liechtenstein Waste Planning 2070
Environmental Report Liechtenstein Waste Planning 2070
The government adopted the Liechtenstein Waste Planning 2070 at its meeting on February 4, 2020. It thus replaces the waste mission statement dating from 1990.
Based on Article 39 of the Environmental Protection Act (USG), LGBl. 2008 No. 199, the government is required to prepare a waste planning in cooperation with the municipalities. In particular, the need for disposal facilities must be determined and their locations must be specified.
The waste planning was developed within the framework of a Strategic Environmental Assessment in a working group consisting of representatives of the municipalities, the Liechtenstein Society for Environmental Protection (LGU) and the Office for the Environment.
The Environmental Report Part IV to be prepared within the framework of the waste planning represents the final report of the waste planning and the actual report on the waste planning. It provides information on the current status of the various waste fractions, the need for action and the measures required to ensure disposal in the long term.
Reports (Part I - IV)
Teil I: Analyse Ist-Zustand
Teil II: Bedarfs- und Potentialabschätzung Deponievolumen
Teil III: Untersuchungsrahmen
Teil IV: Umweltbericht