General regulations in passenger transport
Casual transport, special forms of regular transport
Occasional transport is the most common form of passenger road transport. Travel services by bus are occasional services.
Occasional transport is characterized in particular by the fact that this transport service is carried out on the initiative of the client or the transport company, and even pre-formed groups of passengers are transported. Equipped with the necessary documents, a permit-free market access is granted throughout the European Economic Area.
Liner services
The regular transport of passengers on a specific transport route, where passengers can be picked up or set down at predetermined stops, is called regular transport. Regular services are subject to authorization. Applications to this effect must be submitted to the Office of Construction and Infrastructure.
Works Traffic
Works transport is the non-profit transport service provided by a company under certain conditions. Detailed information on this is contained in the fact sheet on international carriage of passengers by coach and bus in the European Economic Area.
Trip sheet booklet
When carrying out occasional services or special regular services in the European Economic Area, the book of journey forms must be completed and carried before the start of each journey.
Trip sheet booklets are issued by the Office of National Economy and are issued in the name of the company. They are not transferable. A journey form booklet costs CHF 60.
For more information, see:
Leaflet on the international carriage of passengers by coach and bus in the European Economic Area
Zulassung als Strassentransportunternehmen und die grenzüberschreitenden Personen- und Gütertransporte auf der Strasse (Strassentransportgesetz; STG)
Zulassung und die Ausübung der Tätigkeit als Strassentransportunternehmen im Personen- und Güterverkehr (STUV), Verordnung
Contact persons
Sotirios Ioannidis [email protected] +423 236 68 93