"August 28, 2024 - Maintenance Work on Electronic Official Gazette and Training Account

Dear Residents, Due to maintenance work, the online services of the LLV (Liechtenstein National Administration) will be only partially available on 04.09.2024 from 7:00 PM to approximately 8:00 PM. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards, Department of Information Technology

Copyright and related rights


Copyrights are the rights of artists to their works. Protection exists in connection with works of any art (literature, painting, music, etc.). Also included are computer programs, which are considered works of literature and art. The prerequisite is always that it is an intellectual creation with an individual character. Thus, a certain originality is required.

In contrast to trademarks or designs copyrights are not entered in a register. Copyright protection arises upon the creation of the work, whether or not it is recorded on a medium. The term of protection expires 70 years after the death of the author or creator.

Since several persons may be substantially involved in the creation of a work, there may also be several authors of a work who share the rights thereto.

Related Property Rights

By "related property rights" we mean the rights of performers, producers of sound and audiovisual carriers and broadcasting organizations. They are closely related to copyrights.

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