Professional qualification for adults

As an adult professional, there are four different ways to obtain a vocational qualification at upper secondary level (Sekundarstufe II; FZ diploma of vocational education and training or BA certificate of vocational education and training).

Qualification procedure without vocational training

You have five years of professional experience (at least part of it in the desired profession) and acquire the missing theoretical and practical skills by attending appropriate courses. Once you are sufficiently prepared, you can take the qualification procedure (final apprenticeship exam). You do not need an apprenticeship contract.

Validation of training

You prove with a dossier that you already have the competencies required for the aspired profession. Experts will analyse the dossier. You close potential gaps with supplementary training. As soon as you can prove that you have all the necessary skills, the corresponding certificate will be issued. An apprenticeship contract is not concluded.

Shortened basic vocational training

Adults can complete basic vocational training with an apprenticeship contract in an apprenticeship company. Based on job-specific knowledge or professional qualification, the duration of the apprenticeship can be shortened.

Regular basic vocational training

You complete the entire training as if you had entered basic vocational training (apprenticeship) directly after completing compulsory schooling. Depending on the profession and the qualification you are aiming for, the training lasts two years (BA certificate of vocational education and training), or three or four years (FZ diploma of vocational education and training).

The following file shows the four ways through which you can obtain professional qualification (in German):
Four pathways to professional qualification for adults
