Control system
The Market Surveillance and Control System (MKS) ensures that unauthorized circumvention of certain goods via the open border from Liechtenstein to Switzerland cannot take place.
The control system is based on the requirements of the annexes in the Agreement between Liechtenstein and Switzerland to the Customs Treaty.
The control system covers goods which, according to EEA law, can circulate freely in Liechtenstein, but which do not meet the conditions for being brought into Switzerland or placed on the market in Switzerland.
The import notifications from the Swiss customs offices are checked in the AVW and the consignments relevant for market surveillance are forwarded to the responsible offices for further processing, which then take the necessary measures.
Verkehrsfähigkeit von Waren, Gesetz
Zollgebiet - Vereinbarung zwischen Liechtenstein und der Schweiz zum Vertrag vom 29. März 1923 über Anschluss des Fürstentums Liechtenstein an das schweizerische Zollgebiet
Zollwesen - Gesetz über das Zollwesen
Contact persons
Daniel Keller [email protected] +423 236 6908