Addiction counseling for the population in Liechtenstein
For the population in Liechtenstein there are possibilities to take advantage of an information talk, addiction counseling or addiction therapy. Some of these services are anonymous and free of charge. The offers are accessible for those directly affected and for relatives (e.g. parents or partners).
Contact persons for addiction issues are doctors, therapists, the addiction counseling centers in Buchs, Sargans and Feldkirch and also the Office for Social Services (ASD). The ASD offers help either by itself or with specialized cooperation partners in the region. It is possible to receive advice anonymously over the phone.
Office for Social Services, Schaan:
Phone:+423 236 72 72
E-mail: [email protected]
Access to "classic" addiction counseling
Classical addiction counseling for those directly affected and their relatives is made possible through service agreements (since 2018) between the Office of Social Services and the Sozialer Dienst Werdenberg as well as the Zweckverband Soziale Dienste Sarganserland
Affected persons and relatives can register directly and without prior clarification and referral by the Office of Social Services at one of the two offices for addiction counseling.
In the areas of alcohol, medications (e.g. benzodiazepines, sleeping pills, painkillers, etc.), illegal drugs (cannabis, cocaine, opiates, etc.) and non-substance-related addictions (gambling addiction, shopping addiction, etc.), addiction counseling is accessible here. Gambling addiction counseling is specifically offered only in Buchs.
Counseling sessions are free of charge and confidential. The Office of Social Services only receives anonymized data, which is required for internal billing.
In the field of children and adolescents, there is (since 2019) a cooperation between the KJD and the Stiftung Maria Ebene, within the framework of which addiction-endangered or addicted adolescents and their parents can take advantage of outpatient counseling by the addiction counseling center CLEAN in Feldkirch . The counseling costs are borne by the KJD and in part by health insurance companies.
In order to organize addiction counseling in the child and youth sector and to clarify the assumption of costs, it is necessary to contact the ASD in advance. The Office for Social Services receives no insight into the content of the consultations. Only the number of appointments is documented for billing purposes.
A direct contact with the addiction counseling center CLEAN in Vorarlberg is also possible, but it should be clarified with one's own health insurance company beforehand whether they will cover the costs.
Psychiatric-psychological service and children and youth service in the Office for Social Services:
Phone:+423 236 72 72
E-mail: [email protected]
Offers in the Office for Social Services in detail
The Psychiatric-Psychological Service (PPD) conducts information and assessment interviews. If necessary, and if the patient is willing, offers of help are then initiated. These can range from outpatient to partial inpatient to inpatient offers.
Adolescents at risk of addiction and those affected by addiction, and their parents, can contact the Children and Youth Service (KJD) for an initial consultation. After clarification and indication discussions, outpatient, partial inpatient or inpatient help offers are also initiated in the youth sector if needed and if the young people are willing.
The services of the PPD and the KJD are open to all persons residing in Liechtenstein and are free of charge. It is also possible to receive advice anonymously over the phone.
Psychiatric-Psychological Service and Child and Youth Service at the Office of Social Services:
Phone:+423 236 72 72
E-mail: [email protected]
Specialized health professions
In addition, there are therapists and doctors in Germany who have specific training and experience in the field of addiction:
Narcotic-based treatment
When narcotic-based treatment is recommended, the primary care physician's office handles the formal process with the Department of Health. More info can be found here: More information on narcotic-based treatment
Tobacco cessation - help to stop smoking
The Landesspital Liechtenstein (Department of Pneumology), the Cantonal Hospital in Chur and the Krankenhaus Maria Ebene in Frastanz offer help in stopping smoking. Here, initial consultations are usually offered free of charge and individually tailored options are discussed to enjoy a smoke-free life again.
Counseling service The counselors at stopsmoking (phone: 0848 000 181, respond to personal needs and take time for callers, whether for brief information or more in-depth discussions. The service is free of charge for Liechtenstein residents.