Mandatory order provisions
The mandatory procurement provisions are defined in Article 17 of the Law on Public Procurement or in Article 29 of the Law on Public Procurement in the Sectors. It is mandatory to comply with the following provisions:
- the environmental protection;
- the protection of labor;
- the working conditions, such as, in particular, the provisions on pay and rest and vacation periods;
- the equal treatment of men and women;
- the foreign police treatment of third-country nationals;
- the taxes and social contributions;
- as well as the General and Special Conditions of Contract, which are designated as mandatory in the tender documents.
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Inhaltsverzeichnis Gemeinden, Einrichtungen des öffentlichen und privaten Rechts
Inhaltsverzeichnis Land
Inhaltsverzeichnis Sektoren Unternehmen
Internationale Bekanntmachungen für Auftraggeber "Sektoren Unternehmen"
Internationale Bekanntmachungen für Auftraggeber Land, Gemeinden, Einrichtungen des öffentlichen und privaten Rechts
Kundmachung Schwellenwerte ÖAWGContact persons
Wendelin Lampert [email protected] +423 236 6270
Dr. Andrea Quaderer [email protected] +423 236 6278