"August 28, 2024 - Maintenance Work on Electronic Official Gazette and Training Account

Dear Residents, Due to maintenance work, the online services of the LLV (Liechtenstein National Administration) will be only partially available on 04.09.2024 from 7:00 PM to approximately 8:00 PM. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards, Department of Information Technology

FMD (Market Surveillance and Control System)

One of the main objectives of the EEA Agreement in the field of trade in goods is the elimination of non-tariff barriers to trade. Within the EEA area, technical standards are harmonized or mutually recognized so that the movement of goods between the contracting states is not impeded and consumer protection is ensured in the sense of the internal market concept.

Since in Liechtenstein, through membership in the EEA and simultaneous maintenance of the customs treaty with Switzerland, goods can be placed on the market according to Swiss law (customs treaty law) as well as EEA law, a control system had to be created to prevent circumvention.

In order to guarantee the so-called "parallel marketability" in Liechtenstein and at the same time to ensure that no goods, which may not be placed on the market in Switzerland, enter Switzerland via Liechtenstein (prevention of circumvention traffic), the "Liechtenstein Market Surveillance and Control System (MKS)" was established.

The Office of National Economy, which is responsible for overall coordination, receives an import notification from all commercial imports into Liechtenstein. As part of a selection process, shipments of so-called sensitive products are eliminated and the necessary control and commitment measures are initiated.

The measures and the products concerned are set out in the agreement between Liechtenstein and Switzerland on the customs treaty (LR 0.631.112.1).

With the "parallel negotiability" of goods under customs treaty law on the one hand and EEA law on the other, Liechtenstein has assumed a great responsibility towards Switzerland to ensure that no circumvention of goods not negotiable in Switzerland takes place across the open border. In addition to the very close-meshed market surveillance and control system, the Law on Customs (LR 631.010) and the Law on the Marketability of Goods (LR 947.1) provide for severe penalties in the event of violations.


In addition to the Office of National Economy, the following official bodies are entrusted with the control and obligation measures:

Further information

Market Control System Fact Sheet

Contact persons