03. Juli 2024 - Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit ZSD

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Office of Statistics

Statistics competition: Festive conclusion of the national phase

For the second time this school year, the Office of Statistics is organizing the statistics competition with the support of the Office of Education. 7 teams took up the challenge and dealt with questions on probability, standard deviation and sampling in the first round. With the help of public data from the Office of Statistics and Eurostat, the community with the second most live births per woman and the country with the highest waste production were determined in precise detective work.

Not yet tired of numbers, the teams tackled the topic of income inequality. Statistical data was compiled, interpreted and illustrated with a great deal of enthusiasm, and 5 complete works were created, ranging from minimalist to creatively expanded.

The high-caliber jury of representatives from science, education and the media had no easy task. After a long back and forth about the merits of the individual articles, the ranking has now been determined:

1st place: Statistician 5Nb

2nd place: Team 07

3rd place: The pink fluffy unicorns

The participants received their well-earned certificates and prizes from Prime Minister Daniel Risch yesterday in the Fürst-Johannes-Saal of the government building

The first two teams have qualified for the European round and will represent Liechtenstein in the competition against teams from 19 other countries. We are looking forward to their results!