Office of Environment

Premiere of the networking event "Focus on the environment - exchange & networking I municipalities & countryside"

On Monday, June 24, 2024, the first event in the new series "Environment in focus - exchange & networking municipalities & country" of the Office of Environment took place in the Zuschg hall in Schaanwald. This series of events is specially designed for local councillors. Depending on the main topic, the Office of Environment also invites additional interest groups and official bodies to attend.

The topic of the first meeting was "Wolf, bear & lynx in Liechtenstein - part of our biodiversity". Experts from the Swiss foundation KORA Raubtierökologie & Wildtiermanagement and the Office of Environment provided information on the current situation of these animal species in Liechtenstein, herd protection and the concept for dealing with wolves. The event also provided an opportunity for exchange and networking between the municipalities, the country and various interest groups.

According to Regula Imhof, Head of the Office of Environment, the series of events aims to raise the municipalities' awareness of various environmental issues and strengthen their role in implementing environmental measures. "It is very important to me to promote the exchange between municipalities and the country on relevant environmental issues by sharing experiences, discussing stumbling blocks and identifying best practices".

The "Environment in Focus" event series will take place twice a year and will each time focus on a current topic from the areas of Environmental Protection, Agriculture, Forests, Climate and other relevant topics. The next "Focus on the Environment" is planned on the topic of "Creating habitats - practical steps to promote biodiversity" and is expected to take place in September 2024.

Press contact:

Office of Environment
Sarah Weber, Administrator
T +423 236 67 72
[email protected]