Office of Statistics

Trade in goods 2nd quarter 2024 published

Liechtenstein's direct exports of goods recorded by the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security amounted to CHF 811 million in the second quarter of 2024, up CHF 23 million or 2.9% on the same quarter of the previous year. Liechtenstein's direct imports of goods amounted to CHF 396 million in the second quarter of 2024 and were CHF 21 million or 5.7% higher than the previous year's figure.

Trade in goods is recorded at Swiss border posts. Movement of Goods Division with and via Switzerland is therefore not included in the figures shown. The figures are provisional and are based on the place of dispatch or receipt of the goods. They represent an early indicator of the development of trade in goods. The definitive figures for 2024 based on the company headquarters of the shipper or Reception will be published in June 2025.

Goods trade 2nd quarter 2024