03. Juli 2024 - Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit ZSD

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Office of Statistics

Economic survey 1st quarter 2024 published

Once again, more than half of service companies are affected by a labour shortage

At the end of the 1st quarter of 2024, the majority of Liechtenstein's industrial and service companies rated the general situation as good. The business situation, profitability and headcount were largely stable in the first quarter of 2024. As in the previous year, industrial and service companies identified a shortage of labour as the primary obstacle to production and performance. This affects a total of 34% of the companies surveyed. Among service companies in particular, labour shortages continue to be a widespread obstacle to performance and now affect 58% of companies.

The business situation and profitability are expected to remain unchanged in the second quarter. The number of employees is also expected to remain the same. Industrial and service companies are largely unanimous in their forecasts. There are certain differences within industry. While the metal industry is cautious with its forecast for the second quarter of 2024, the non-metal industry and the construction sector are confident. Within the services sector, insurance companies in particular are optimistic, but the retail trade and banks are also positive about the second quarter of 2024. Companies in the general services sector, on the other hand, are more cautious.