In mid-September, several regions of the Czech Republic were devastated by a devastating flood. The town of Troppau in the Moravian-Silesian Region suffered particularly heavy damage. As a sign of solidarity, Liechtenstein is supporting the reconstruction of a damaged residential facility run by the local Caritas association with CHF 50,000.
On November 28, H.S.H. Ambassador Kothbauer presented Director Jan Hanuš, head of the local Caritas association in Troppau, with a cheque for CHF 50,000 from the Liechtenstein government and visited the project at the same time.
With the flood aid, the government is supporting the reconstruction of an assisted living facility for severely visually impaired people, which was flooded and rendered uninhabitable by the flood.
Liechtenstein has had close ties with Troppau and the Moravian-Silesian region for over 400 years. The Duchy of Troppau came into the possession of the Liechtenstein family in 1614. The silesian eagle can still be found on Liechtenstein's coat of arms today.