The Office for Vocational Education and Career Counselling invites you to the information event „Weiter zur Schule?“.
Various general and vocational schools in the region as well as school options in Vorarlberg will be presented.
Representatives from the following regional schools will present their programmes:
- Liechtensteinisches Gymnasium, Vaduz
- Privatschule formatio, Triesen
- Kantonsschule Sargans (Fachmittelschule FMS, Wirtschaftsmittelschule WMS, Informatikmittelschule IMS)
- MPA Berufs- und Handelsschule, Buchs
- EHL Hotelfachschule Passugg, Passugg
In addition, a representative of BIFO - Counselling for Education and Careers will provide an overview of secondary schools in Vorarlberg.
The information event is aimed at all pupils and their parents who are interested in attending a secondary general or vocational school after compulsory schooling.
Registration is required due to the limited number of participants.