Corporate governance and controlling of shareholdings
The Financial Affairs Staff Unit is the coordinating body in relation to the management and supervision of public enterprises, and in this capacity supports both the Ministries and public enterprises.
Corporate Governance
Corporate governance is understood to mean the principles geared to the owner's interest, which, while maintaining decision-making ability and efficiency at the highest corporate level, strive for transparency and a balanced relationship between management and control.
The Principality of Liechtenstein is the owner of the following public companies:
- Agency for International Affairs in Education
- AHV-IV-FAK Institutions
- Adult Education Liechtenstein
- Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein
- Liechtenstein Cultural Foundation
- Art Museum Liechtenstein
- School of Art Liechtenstein
- Liechtenstein Old Age and Sickness Assistance
- Liechtenstein Gas Supply
- Liechtenstein Power Plants
- Liechtensteinische Landesbank
- Liechtenstein National Library
- Liechtenstein School of Music
- Liechtenstein Post Office
- Liechtenstein Development Service
- Liechtenstein Broadcasting
- Liechtenstein National Museum
- Liechtenstein National Hospital
- Liechtenstein Marketing
- Telecom Liechtenstein
- University of Liechtenstein
- Transport company LIECHTENSTEINmobil
The Government is assigned by Article 78 (4) of the National Constitution the overall supervision of these companies. The performance of this task is based on a three-tier regulatory structure:
- Act on the control and supervision of public enterprises ÖUSG
- Special laws of public enterprises
- Recommendations on the Management and Control of Public Enterprises in Liechtenstein Public Corporate Governance Code
Investment controlling
In connection with its superintendence function, the Government conducts participation controlling pursuant to Art. 18 ÖUSG. For this purpose, the government has issued guidelines on periodic reporting
The reporting forms are provided to the companies by the Financial Affairs Unit. A glossary of investment controlling forms is available to the companies as a support for data collection.