
area of activity

The scope of practice includes, by own diagnosis, the treatment of patients with painful conditions and dysfunctions caused by changes in the spine and pelvis

Professional qualification/further training

Professional qualification is possessed by anyone

1) The professional aptitude for the practice of the profession of chiropractor is possessed by:15

a) demonstrates the appropriate education and training requirements with a Swiss federal diploma and continuing education title; or

b) with another foreign diploma, demonstrates successful completion of a course of study listed in the Swiss Ordinance of the Department of Home Affairs (EDI) on the recognized courses of study in chiropractic offered by foreign universities, and with a federal continuing education title, demonstrates the appropriate continuing education requirements.

Special Features

Minimum sum of the professional indemnity insurance: 3 million Swiss francs

Approval procedure and requirements

According to Health Law Art. 7 ff and Health Ordinance Art. 29 to 31

Contact persons