Framework agreement

Contracting authorities in the sectors may award a framework agreement as a works, supply or service contract. Contracts based on a framework agreement are awarded in accordance with objective rules and criteria, such as the reopening of competition between the companies that were parties to the framework agreement at the time it was concluded. These rules and criteria must be laid down in the tender documents and ensure equal treatment of the companies that are party to the framework agreement. In the event of a reopening of competition, the contracting authorities shall set a sufficiently long deadline for tenders to be submitted for each individual contract and award each contract to the tenderer that has submitted the most economically advantageous tender in accordance with the award criteria. The contracting authorities may not abuse the use of framework agreements to prevent, restrict or distort competition. The term of a framework agreement shall not exceed eight years, except in justified special cases where this can be justified in particular on the basis of the subject matter of the framework agreement(Art. 19 ÖAWSG).
The value of a framework agreement is calculated on the basis of the estimated total value of all contracts planned for the entire term of the framework agreement(Art. 14 ÖAWSV).

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