Client State, municipalities etc.

Pursuant to Article 2 of the Public Procurement Act, the following contracting entities are subject to this Act:

a) the Principality of Liechtenstein;

  • this includes the Government and all offices of the National Administration.

b) the municipalities;

  • including the municipalities of Balzers, Triesen, Triesenberg, Vaduz, Schaan, Planken, Eschen, Gamprin, Mauren, Schellenberg and Ruggell.

c) institutions governed by public law, in particular corporations and independent institutions and foundations governed by public law;

  • this includes Liechtenstein Adult Education, the University of Liechtenstein, the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, the Kunstschule Liechtenstein, the Liechtenstein National Library, the Liechtenstein National Museum, the Liechtenstein National Hospital, the Liechtenstein School of Music, the Old Age and Survivors' Insurance AHV, the Disability Insurance IV, the Family Compensation Fund FAK, Liechtenstein Broadcasting, Liechtenstein Marketing, the Old Age and Sickness Insurance LAK, the Financial Market Authority FMA, the citizens' cooperatives of the municipalities and the Wastewater Association of the Municipalities of Liechtenstein.

d) Institutions governed by private law, provided that a subsidy for construction, supply and service contracts determined by the government by ordinance is paid by contracting authorities in accordance with letters a to c;

  • this includes, for example, projects of the Foundation for Curative Education in Liechtenstein or the Liechtenstein Alpine Association, provided that these projects are subsidized accordingly.

e) mergers of contracting entities pursuant to letters a to d and mergers with other private contracting entities, provided that the financial participation of the contracting entities pursuant to letters a to d in the contract is 50% or more;

  • this includes, for example, joint road construction projects of the municipalities and the Principality of Liechtenstein or joint projects of municipalities or the Principality together with private contracting entities.

f) The contracting authorities for the award of concessions are

  • the Principality of Liechtenstein
  • the municipalities
  • the bodies governed by public law
  • Associations of contracting entities in accordance with letters a to c

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