Scope of application

In accordance with the Public Procurement Act (ÖAWG) and the Act on Public Procurement in the Sectors (ÖAWSG), all public

  • Construction contracts
  • Supply contracts
  • Service contracts

which are awarded by contracting authorities in accordance with Article 2 ÖAWG or Article 4 ÖAWSG must be awarded on the basis of the statutory provisions.

The description of the relevant construction contracts can be found in Annexes 3 and 4, those for service contracts in Annexes 5 and 6, the announcement of the threshold values for the award of public contracts and the announcement of the threshold values for the award of public contracts in the sectors.

Supply contracts are described in Regulation 213/2008 on the Common Procurement Vocabulary.

Exceptions are defined in Article 5 of the Public Procurement Act ÖAWG and in Articles 8 to 18 of the Public Procurement Act in the area of sectors.

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