Public procurement statistics

The basis for the collection of contract statistics is defined in Article 52 of the Public Procurement Act and Article 67 of the Public Procurement Act in the area of sectors and in Articles 50 and 51 of the Public Procurement Ordinance and Articles 45 and 46 of the Public Procurement Ordinance in the area of sectors.

The contracting authorities submit to the government the contract award notices for the procurement procedures carried out in the previous year.
The following data shall be recorded in the contract statistics on the basis of the award notices submitted:
(a) the estimated total value of all public contracts awarded;
b) the number and total value of public contracts awarded, broken down by

  • Contract value(above CHF 30,000);
  • the type of procedure used, with the data for the negotiated procedure also being broken down into the case groups specified in Art. 24 of the Public Procurement Ordinance and containing the number and value of contracts awarded to the successful tenderers, broken down by EEA Member State or third country nationality;
  • a uniform classification system in works, supply and service contracts;
  • the nationality of the contractors (broken down into nationals from the EEA, Switzerland, other WTO countries and other foreign countries);
  • The name of the contractor;
  • Participation of SMEs.

c) the number and total value of contracts that were not awarded in accordance with the laws and ordinances due to the exemption under Art. 5 of the Public Procurement Act or under Art. 8 to 18 of the Public Procurement Act in the area of the sectors.

Contracts awarded in the area of the International Affairs thresholds are submitted by the government to the EFTA Surveillance Authority by April 18, 2019 and every three years thereafter or to the WTO Committee on Government Procurement by October 31 of each year. The statistical statement to the EFTA Surveillance Authority must contain the estimated total value of all contracts and competitions below the thresholds falling within the scope of the Act and the Ordinance, whereby a random estimate is permitted to determine this value.

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