Client Sectors

Pursuant to Article 4 of the Law on Public Procurement in the Sectors, the following contracting entities are subject to this law:

(a) the Principality of Liechtenstein, the municipalities, bodies governed by public law and public enterprises, insofar as they carry out activities within the meaning of Articles 5 to 7;

  • this includes the Government with all offices of the National Administration, all municipalities and the water utilities in the country (e.g. Wasserversorgung Liechtensteiner Unterland WLU), the Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke LKW, the Liechtensteinische Gasversorgung LGV and the Liechtenstein Busanstalt LBA.

b) private companies which carry out as one of their activities an activity within the meaning of Art. 5 to 7 or various such activities on the basis of special or exclusive Legal Divisions granted to them by the Principality of Liechtenstein or by a municipality;

  • this includes, for example, Liechtensteinische Post AG.

c) mergers of contracting entities under letters a and b and mergers with other private contracting entities, provided that the financial participation of the contracting entities under letters a and b in the contract is 50% or more;

  • this includes, for example, joint road construction projects by the municipalities, companies in the sectors and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

d) The contracting entities for the award of concessions are

  • the contracting entities pursuant to para. 1 let. a and b
  • Associations of contracting entities pursuant to para. 1 let. a, with the exception of public enterprises.

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