Who are clients "bodies governed by public law"?

Pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 1, item 10 of the Public Procurement Act (ÖAWG ), an entity under public law is any entity that:

  • was established for the specific purpose of performing tasks in the public interest that are not of a commercial nature;
  • Has legal personality; and
  • is predominantly financed by the state, municipalities or other bodies governed by public law or which is subject to supervision by the latter with regard to its management or whose administrative, management or supervisory body consists mainly of members appointed by the state, municipalities or other bodies governed by public law.

The client "public law institutions" includes, in particular, corporations as well as independent institutions and foundations under public law. These include, for example

  • the Agency for International Education Affairs AIBA,
  • the waste disposal services of the municipalities of Liechtenstein,
  • the wastewater association of the municipalities of Liechtenstein,
  • the Old Age and Survivors' Insurance AHV, the Disability Insurance IV, the Family Compensation Fund FAK,
  • the old-age and health insurance LAK,
  • the citizens' cooperatives of the municipalities,
  • liechtenstein Adult Education,
  • de Familienhilfe Liechtenstein,
  • the Financial Market Authority FMA,
  • the Commission for Energy Market Supervision,
  • the Liechtenstein Cultural Foundation
  • the Liechtenstein Art Museum
  • the Liechtenstein School of Art
  • the Liechtenstein Development Service
  • the Liechtenstein National Library
  • the Liechtenstein National Museum
  • the Liechtenstein National Hospital,
  • Liechtenstein Marketing,
  • Liechtenstein School of Music,
  • the Liechtenstein Broadcasting Corporation and
  • the University of Liechtenstein,

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