03. Juli 2024 - Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit ZSD

Liebe Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner, Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten sind die Onlinedienste der LLV am 03.07.2024 ab 19:00 Uhr bis ca. 20:00 Uhr nur eingeschränkt verfügbar. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis Freundliche Grüsse Amt für Informatik

High school

The gymnasium long form builds on the fifth school year of elementary school and leads to the Matura in seven years. Additional transfer options from the Realschule to the Gymnasium ensure good permeability within the Liechtenstein school system.

The gymnasium short form corresponds to the four-year upper school.

The goal and task of the Gymnasium is to educate students in a scientific spirit to think and judge independently, to introduce them to the methods of intellectual work, and to prepare them for university studies. An important requirement of the Upper School is that students take responsibility for their own learning. Therefore, they are given the opportunity to shape their own school career by choosing a specialization and taking elective subjects and electives.

The Gymnasium therefore offers five different profiles at the upper school level leading to the Matura. The choice of profile is not a decision for a specific field of study, but a conscious orientation according to personal inclinations and talents. At the upper school, bilingual instruction in English is offered in the subjects mathematics, geography, and economics & law.

For talented athletes, there is the offer of a sports school at the upper school.

Gymnasium education concludes with the Matura, which entitles students to admission to all higher education institutions without having to take exams, both in Switzerland and Austria.

Further information:

Liechtenstein Gymnasium

Brochure Leaflet "The Secondary Schools"
