03. Juli 2024 - Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit ZSD

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Health Promotion

Health promotion among school staff

In order to increase the well-being, health and performance of the teaching staff and thus to improve the quality of teaching, in addition to various relief measures for teaching staff, an operational health management system for school staff has been implemented, which is described in the Concept of operational health management in public schools (BGM Schulen) 

Health promotion at schools and kindergartens


Since 2007, the position of Health Coordinator has supported schools in the implementation of health projects. 

Health Promoting Schools Network

Since 2007, Liechtenstein has had a regional network of health-promoting schools and is thus a member of the Swiss Network of Health-Promoting Schools. Schools can become members of the regional network with a three-year program. They receive financial and professional support in the implementation of their program and are awarded a quality label.

Ongoing projects

The traveling exhibition "My body belongs to me!" is offered annually for the 3rd grades of elementary school. The aim of the exhibition is the prevention of abuse and sexual violence.

The "Love Limits" course, designed for secondary schools, takes up the topic of sexual violence again, focusing on sexual violence among young people.

The "WALK'N'BIKE TO SCHOOL" competition is designed to encourage secondary school girls to take an active, moving route to school.

The "Trialogue" school project, in which those affected by mental disorders and their relatives talk about their lives, serves to de-stigmatize mental disorders.
