Swiss Company Identification Number (UID)

What is the Swiss UID about?

Liechtenstein companies will need a Swiss company identification number (UID) in their business dealings with Swiss authorities as of January 1, 2016. This includes, among others, the Federal Customs Administration (FCA) and thus cross-border trade goods traffic (import/export). Trade goods are all goods that are not intended for private use. Thus, the term merchandise includes not only traded products, but also goods that are processed or used in a company, such as tools, work clothes or office supplies.

From 1 January 2016, customs clearances for trade goods from or to Liechtenstein are only possible with a Swiss UID!

Form to apply for a Swiss company identification number (UID) 

Am I affected by the Swiss UID in Liechtenstein at all?

Does your company meet one or more of these factors?

  • You source goods from abroad or deliver goods there.
  • You engage in some type of foreign trade.
  • You have contact with Swiss customers and/or authorities.
  • You are subject to some form of agricultural, forestry, animal disease, animal welfare or food legislation.
  • You have a business establishment in Switzerland.
  • You are a legal entity involved in financial transactions and would like a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) from the official Swiss issuing authority.

Then you are affected by the above regulation. In this case, we strongly recommend that you read this website carefully and apply for a Swiss UID. 

For further information on the UID as well as its issuance, please contact the Office of Statistics (AS) (T: +423 236 69 37 / [email protected]).
