03. Juli 2024 - Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit ZSD

Liebe Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner, Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten sind die Onlinedienste der LLV am 03.07.2024 ab 19:00 Uhr bis ca. 20:00 Uhr nur eingeschränkt verfügbar. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis Freundliche Grüsse Amt für Informatik

Building in danger zones


For planning construction projects, the following steps should be followed:

1. Clarify if parcel is at risk from natural hazards.

For this purpose, information on natural hazard mapping can be accessed directly through this link in the Geodata Portal.

Generally, the following subdivision applies to construction in hazard zones:

  • Red hazard zones:    Construction ban
  • Blue hazard zones:  construction with conditions possible
  • Yellow hazard zones: Hazard notice, protective measures recommended

Partial detailed information on the hazard zones in the corresponding zone plans and municipal building codes are also available online:

2. What hazard processes threaten parcel: 

The information by which hazard processes a parcel is affected can be obtained from the community building offices.

3. Preliminary inquiry by the planner to the competent official body concerning conditions:

Office of Civil Protection, Natural Hazards

4. Submission of the building application to the municipal building administration with proof that the hazard-related conditions are fulfilled. 

In order to be able to optimally plan a building project, the cantonal building insurance institutions have published a guide for object protection against natural hazards, which can be ordered via this link 






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