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Office of Statistics

Topic "Health insurers" updated

30.08.2023 - The health insurers' overall business includes compulsory health insurance (OKP), compulsory sickness benefit insurance (OKG) and voluntary insurance (FV). The overall result for all classes of insurance is reported at CHF -6.5 million in 2022. With an overall result of CHF -8.8 million, the OKP is particularly significant, while the results of the OKG are positive at CHF 0.1 million and the FV at CHF 2.2 million.

State contributions rose by 4.8% year-on-year to CHF 87.4 million in 2022, the highest level since 2013. Otherwise, the long-term trends are also evident in 2022: costs continue to rise. The gross benefits of the OKP amount to CHF 195.6 million and are therefore 6.3% higher than in 2021. The shift in invoiced medicines from the medical profession to pharmacies is also ongoing. The proportion of medicines purchased via pharmacies increased by 1.3 percentage points to 37.3%. This corresponds to an amount of CHF 11.3 million compared to the previous year's figure of CHF 10.2 million

Health insurers 2022

eTab data portal (online query)