03. Juli 2024 - Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit ZSD

Liebe Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner, Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten sind die Onlinedienste der LLV am 03.07.2024 ab 19:00 Uhr bis ca. 20:00 Uhr nur eingeschränkt verfügbar. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis Freundliche Grüsse Amt für Informatik

Office of Statistics

Topics "Population status" and "Employment" updated

As at December 31, 2022, Liechtenstein's permanent population comprised 39,677 people, with women accounting for 50.4%. Within a year, the foreign permanent population increased by 107 people to 13,634. The number of Liechtenstein residents with Liechtenstein citizenship grew by 262 to 26,043 in the same period. Due to growth on both sides, the proportion of foreigners remained at the same level as in the previous year at 34.4%.

Of the 39,677 people in the permanent population, 20,705 were gainfully employed. Compared to the previous year, the number of people in employment thus rose by 587. The ratio of employed persons to the total population reached an all-time high of 52.2% in the reporting year. 71.at the end of 2022, 8% of the employed permanent population worked in Sector 3 Services, 27.2% in Sector 2 Industry and 1.0% in Sector 1 Agriculture

Population status as at December 31, 2022

Employment as at December 31, 2022