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Permanent Representation of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg

Liechtenstein publishes logo for Council of Europe Presidency

Following preparatory work for its upcoming Presidency of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers, Liechtenstein has produced a special logo for the occasion. Joining the Council of Europe on 23 November 1978 was a milestone for Liechtenstein’s sovereignty.

The Committee of Ministers presidency rotates between the Council’s member States every six months, in alphabetical order, and is part of each State’s responsibilities as a member. Each country has a special logo during its presidency, and the Liechtenstein government has just published its own as it prepares to take its turn in the chair of the Committee of Ministers for six months in November.

The Council of Europe is a major institution serving to apply and further develop our fundamental values, promoting human rights, democracy and the rule of law throughout the continent. Nearly 700 million people in the Council’s 46 member States benefit from it.

Liechtenstein has been working intensively for some time now to prepare its presidency. The logo it has devised picks up on three features of symbolic importance. One of these is the geography of Liechtenstein, located at the heart of Europe and also the only State lying entirely within the Alpine range; accordingly, mountains mean a lot to this country. Secondly, Liechtenstein’s presidency of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers is referenced by the letter “e”, traditionally featured in the presidency logo. Finally, one of the stars from the Council of Europe’s flag symbolises Liechtenstein’s starring role in the presidency. The red and blue of the logo are Liechtenstein’s national colours. The logo will feature heavily during its presidency both within Liechtenstein and beyond its borders.