03. Juli 2024 - Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit ZSD

Liebe Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner, Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten sind die Onlinedienste der LLV am 03.07.2024 ab 19:00 Uhr bis ca. 20:00 Uhr nur eingeschränkt verfügbar. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis Freundliche Grüsse Amt für Informatik

Experience of the tutors from ESC 2022

In category A (16-18 year) in 2022 sixTeams participated in the national phase of the statistical competition.

"The European or Liechtenstein Statistics Competition offers dedicated and interested students the opportunity to get to know and use official and high-quality statistical data collections.

My task as a tutor was mainly to inform the SuS about this opportunity and to assist them with organizational questions. It was gratifying to observe how independently and motivated my candidate was to take up the challenge."

Andrea C., Liechtenstein Gymnasium

"My main work was to remember the deadlines. When writing the text, there were a few questions regarding the length and formatting. The students worked very independently, and only the most motivated ones signed up."

Maria S., formation private school

"The European or Liechtenstein Statistics Competition offers dedicated and interested students the opportunity to get to know and use official and high-quality statistical data collections.

My task as a tutor was mainly to inform the SuS about this opportunity, to do some advertising and finally to assist with organizational questions. I was very pleased that four teams from one class took part in the competition. All of them worked very independently, met the challenges with motivation, and were ultimately able to take credit for their commitment with the first three places."

Nina T., Liechtenstein High School
